Message From The Dean

The Faculty of Engineering at Boğaziçi University is defined by its deep-rooted foundations, proud history, and traditions, along with a perpetually young and dynamic spirit. It was founded in 1912 with Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering departments; Chemical, Industrial, and Computer Engineering departments followed in 1958, 1973, and 1981, respectively.

Seventy percent of our faculty members have received doctoral degrees from respected universities in the United States and Europe, and our faculty members have been awarded numerous grants and awards from national and international institutions for excellence in research and innovation. The young faculty members who joined the School in the last decade currently constitute more than forty percent of the faculty.

Boğaziçi University was recently ranked first in Turkey by the 2017 U.S. News Higher Education Rankings of Best Global Universities. All of the undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Engineering have continually been accredited by ABET since 1998, and are consistently ranked highest in the country on the basis of the National University Entrance Examination. Our undergraduate and graduate programs aim to educate and prepare students for challenging careers in the private sector, government organizations and academic institutions. Our students also receive first-hand exposure to scientific research and development through the research laboratories established by the faculty members.

In addition to a solid background in science and engineering, our programs provide students with a strong awareness of social issues, both through formal courses in the humanities and social sciences and through various extracurricular activities. Students acquire hands-on experience with organizational and management issues, the democratic process, and social responsibility projects in several of our active student groups. One well-established example organized by our students is the International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students (ICAMES), which has been hosted by our Engineering Society since 1994.

The School currently enrolls more than 2000 undergraduates, and our 1200 graduate students enrich the academic environment and provide inspiration for our undergraduates. Those who graduate from our School are well-prepared for the challenges of not only the next decade but also the next century, and are proud to know that they will contribute towards a more prosperous and sustainable society.

Fazıl Önder Sönmez , Professor and Dean
Faculty of Engineering


Phone: (+90) 212-359 6401
Fax    : (+90) 212-265 8488
E-Mail: sonmezfa at
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Contact Address: Faculty of Engineering - Boğaziçi University Bebek 34342 Istanbul - Turkey